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Applications for the long-awaited new generation electronic Cyprus passports, residence permits and ID cards have begun as of the 30th of July 2020 as announced by the Cyprus Civil Registry and Migration Department.
Cyprus Immigration To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on for the long-awaited new generation electronic Cyprus passports, residence permits and ID cards have begun as of the 30th of July 2020 as announced by the Cyprus Civil Registry and Migration Department.
Otherwise known as biometric, digital or e-passports, such new generation passports contain the biometric information of the holder embedded in an electronic microprocessor chip via the use of contactless smart card technology. Biometric information include a photograph, the signature and fingerprints of the holder of the document. So as to comply with data protection regulations, the holder's fingerprints are automatically deleted from the Registry's system within 48 hours from the issuance of a passport.
The announcement confirms recent efforts to upgrade and modernize the nationwide system for biometric data collection and issuance of electronic passports, ID cards and permit cards with state-of-the-art new components bringing it in line with EU regulations and enhanced security.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.