If you are taking classes for your degree at another school while also attending MSU, you could get financial aid for all classes if you apply. A consortium agreement is a written agreement between two accredited universities/institutions which recognizes a student’s combined enrollment for the purpose of awarding financial aid. The HOME institution is where the student is getting their degree and will be responsible for processing financial aid. The HOST institution is where you are temporarily taking classes. You can only receive financial aid from one school at a time.
Only classes which are required for your degree and transfer for MSU credit will be considered under a consortium agreement. Please review the consortium agreement terms prior to submitting a consortium agreement application. You should have your consortium application turned in by the first week of the semester you are dually enrolled.
Student admitted to MSU’s MAT program and enrolled at least half time (5 credit hours) in graduate level classes between MSU and MSSU are eligible for graduate level financial aid.
A summer field trip is required for geology majors but is not offered by MSU. The University of Missouri has an approved course that meets this requirement. Students must first have approval from their department head before applying for a consortium, and approval for any location other than University of Missouri must be submitted with the consortium application.
This agreement is available to students who are required to complete part of their degree at a non-MSU location. Consult your academic advisor or department head to determine if your program is a cooperative program. A list of approved programs and locations is also available on the Office of Student Financial Aid’s website.
Students completing their medical program at approved host institutions are eligible for financial aid through Missouri State University.
Students completing their Associate's degree and transitioning to an undergraduate degree through Missouri State University-Springfield may receive financial aid for concurrent enrollment.
Student not participating in any of the programs listed above should select “Other.” This agreement is only available to Pell or Teach eligible students dually enrolled by their own choice at another accredited institution.