Help Us Eliminate Race and Ethnicity from College Admissions

Students for Fair Admissions is a nonprofit membership group of more than 20,000 students, parents, and others who believe that racial classifications and preferences in college admissions are unfair, unnecessary, and unconstitutional. Our mission is to support and participate in litigation that will restore the original principles of our nation’s civil rights movement: A student’s race and ethnicity should not be factors that either harm or help that student to gain admission to a competitive university. Click here to watch SFFA's recently released video, Admission.

Students for Fair Admissions Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to End Racial Preferences in College Admissions

SFFA Files: Supreme Court oral argument in SFFA v. Harvard SFFA Files: Supreme Court argument in SFFA v. UNC

Were You Rejected from a College or University?

Students for Fair Admissions would like to hear from you—especially if you were rejected from Harvard, Yale, the Univ. of North Carolina and the Univ. of Texas. Tell us your story—grades, test scores, extra-curricular activities and the like. Everything you share with us remains completely confidential.

Join Students for Fair Admissions

Since 2014, over 20,000 students, parents and others have joined our membership to help restore colorblind principles to our nation’s schools, colleges and universities.